/*! * layer 3.5.1 閫氱敤 Web 寮瑰嚭灞傜粍浠 * MIT Licensed */ ;!function(window, undefined){ "use strict"; var isLayui = window.layui && layui.define, $, win, ready = { getPath: function(){ var jsPath = document.currentScript ? document.currentScript.src : function(){ var js = document.scripts ,last = js.length - 1 ,src; for(var i = last; i > 0; i--){ if(js[i].readyState === 'interactive'){ src = js[i].src; break; } } return src || js[last].src; }() ,GLOBAL = window.LAYUI_GLOBAL || {}; return GLOBAL.layer_dir || jsPath.substring(0, jsPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); }(), config: {}, end: {}, minIndex: 0, minLeft: [], //btn: [layer.i18n.btnOk, layer.i18n.btnCancel], // ThinkGem //浜旂鍘熷灞傛ā寮 type: ['dialog', 'page', 'iframe', 'loading', 'tips'], //鑾峰彇鑺傜偣鐨剆tyle灞炴€у€ getStyle: function(node, name){ var style = node.currentStyle ? node.currentStyle : window.getComputedStyle(node, null); return style[style.getPropertyValue ? 'getPropertyValue' : 'getAttribute'](name); }, //杞藉叆 CSS 渚濊禆 link: function(href, fn, cssname){ //鏈缃矾寰勶紝鍒欎笉涓诲姩鍔犺浇css if(!layer.path) return; var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] ,link = document.createElement('link'); if(typeof fn === 'string') cssname = fn; var app = (cssname || href).replace(/\.|\//g, ''); var id = 'layuicss-'+ app ,STAUTS_NAME = 'creating' ,timeout = 0; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.href = layer.path + href; link.id = id; if(!document.getElementById(id)){ head.appendChild(link); } if(typeof fn !== 'function') return; //杞 css 鏄惁鍔犺浇瀹屾瘯 (function poll(status) { var delay = 100 ,getLinkElem = document.getElementById(id); //鑾峰彇鍔ㄦ€佹彃鍏ョ殑 link 鍏冪礌 //濡傛灉杞瓒呰繃鎸囧畾绉掓暟锛屽垯瑙嗕负璇锋眰鏂囦欢澶辫触鎴 css 鏂囦欢涓嶇鍚堣鑼 if(++timeout > 10 * 1000 / delay){ return window.console && console.error(app +'.css: Invalid'); }; //css 鍔犺浇灏辩华 if(parseInt(ready.getStyle(getLinkElem, 'width')) === 1989){ //濡傛灉鍙傛暟鏉ヨ嚜浜庡垵濮嬭疆璇紙鍗虫湭鍔犺浇灏辩华鏃剁殑锛夛紝鍒欑Щ闄 link 鏍囩鐘舵€ if(status === STAUTS_NAME) getLinkElem.removeAttribute('lay-status'); //濡傛灉 link 鏍囩鐨勭姸鎬佷粛涓恒€屽垱寤轰腑銆嶏紝鍒欑户缁繘鍏ヨ疆璇紝鐩村埌鐘舵€佹敼鍙橈紝鍒欐墽琛屽洖璋 getLinkElem.getAttribute('lay-status') === STAUTS_NAME ? setTimeout(poll, delay) : fn(); } else { getLinkElem.setAttribute('lay-status', STAUTS_NAME); setTimeout(function(){ poll(STAUTS_NAME); }, delay); } //parseInt(ready.getStyle(document.getElementById(id), 'width')) === 1989 ? fn() : setTimeout(poll, 1000); }()); } }; //榛樿鍐呯疆鏂规硶銆 var layer = { v: '3.5.1', i18n: { // ThinkGem 鍥介檯鍖栨敮鎸 btnOk: '纭畾', btnCancel: '鍙栨秷', title: '淇℃伅', promptTipA: '鏈€澶氳緭鍏?, promptTipB: '涓瓧绗?, noPicture: '娌℃湁鍥剧墖', photoError: '褰撳墠鍥剧墖鍦板潃寮傚父
鏄惁缁х画鏌ョ湅涓嬩竴寮狅紵', photoNextPage: '涓嬩竴寮?, photoClose: '涓嶇湅浜? }, ie: function(){ //ie鐗堟湰 var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); return (!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) ? ( (agent.match(/msie\s(\d+)/) || [])[1] || '11' //鐢变簬ie11骞舵病鏈塵sie鐨勬爣璇 ) : false; }(), index: (window.layer && window.layer.v) ? 100000 : 0, path: ready.getPath, config: function(options, fn){ options = options || {}; layer.cache = ready.config = $.extend({}, ready.config, options); layer.path = ready.config.path || layer.path; typeof options.extend === 'string' && (options.extend = [options.extend]); //濡傛灉璁剧疆浜嗚矾寰勶紝鍒欏姞杞芥牱寮 if(ready.config.path) layer.ready(); if(!options.extend) return this; isLayui ? layui.addcss('modules/layer/' + options.extend) : ready.link('theme/' + options.extend); return this; }, //涓讳綋CSS绛夊緟浜嬩欢 ready: function(callback){ var cssname = 'layer', ver = '' ,path = (isLayui ? 'modules/layer/' : 'theme/') + 'default/layer.css?v='+ layer.v + ver; isLayui ? layui.addcss(path, callback, cssname) : ready.link(path, callback, cssname); return this; }, //鍚勭蹇嵎寮曠敤 alert: function(content, options, yes){ var type = typeof options === 'function'; if(type) yes = options; return layer.open($.extend({ content: content, yes: yes }, type ? {} : options)); }, confirm: function(content, options, yes, cancel){ var type = typeof options === 'function'; if(type){ cancel = yes; yes = options; } return layer.open($.extend({ content: content, //btn: ready.btn, btn: [layer.i18n.btnOk, layer.i18n.btnCancel], yes: yes, btn2: cancel }, type ? {} : options)); }, msg: function(content, options, end){ //鏈€甯哥敤鎻愮ず灞 var type = typeof options === 'function', rskin = ready.config.skin; var skin = (rskin ? rskin + ' ' + rskin + '-msg' : '')||'layui-layer-msg'; var anim = doms.anim.length - 1; if(type) end = options; return layer.open($.extend({ content: content, time: 3000, shade: false, skin: skin, title: false, closeBtn: options.time && options.time >= 5000 || false, btn: false, resize: false, end: end }, (type && !ready.config.skin) ? { skin: skin + ' layui-layer-hui', anim: anim } : function(){ options = options || {}; if(options.icon === -1 || options.icon === undefined && !ready.config.skin){ options.skin = skin + ' ' + (options.skin||'layui-layer-hui'); } return options; }())); }, load: function(icon, options){ return layer.open($.extend({ type: 3, icon: icon || 0, resize: false, shade: 0.01 }, options)); }, tips: function(content, follow, options){ return layer.open($.extend({ type: 4, content: [content, follow], closeBtn: false, time: 3000, shade: false, resize: false, fixed: false, maxWidth: 260 }, options)); } }; var Class = function(setings){ var that = this, creat = function(){ that.creat(); }; that.index = ++layer.index; that.config.maxWidth = $(win).width() - 15*2; //鍒濆鏈€澶у搴︼細褰撳墠灞忓箷瀹斤紝宸﹀彸鐣 15px 杈硅窛 that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, ready.config, setings); document.body ? creat() : setTimeout(function(){ creat(); }, 30); }; Class.pt = Class.prototype; //缂撳瓨甯哥敤瀛楃 var doms = ['layui-layer', '.layui-layer-title', '.layui-layer-main', '.layui-layer-dialog', 'layui-layer-iframe', 'layui-layer-content', 'layui-layer-btn', 'layui-layer-close']; doms.anim = ['layer-anim-00', 'layer-anim-01', 'layer-anim-02', 'layer-anim-03', 'layer-anim-04', 'layer-anim-05', 'layer-anim-06']; doms.SHADE = 'layui-layer-shade'; doms.MOVE = 'layui-layer-move'; //榛樿閰嶇疆 Class.pt.config = { type: 0, shade: 0.3, fixed: true, move: doms[1], title: function(){return layer.i18n.title}, offset: 'auto', area: 'auto', closeBtn: 1, time: 0, //0琛ㄧず涓嶈嚜鍔ㄥ叧闂 zIndex: 19891014, maxWidth: 360, anim: 0, isOutAnim: true, //閫€鍑哄姩鐢 minStack: true, //鏈€灏忓寲鍫嗗彔 icon: -1, moveType: 1, resize: true, scrollbar: true, //鏄惁鍏佽娴忚鍣ㄦ粴鍔ㄦ潯 tips: 2 }; //瀹瑰櫒 Class.pt.vessel = function(conType, callback){ var that = this, times = that.index, config = that.config; var zIndex = config.zIndex + times, titype = typeof config.title === 'object'; var ismax = config.maxmin && (config.type === 1 || config.type === 2); var titleHTML = (config.title ? '
' + (titype ? config.title[0] : (typeof config.title === 'function' ? config.title() : config.title)) + '
' : ''); config.zIndex = zIndex; callback([ //閬僵 config.shade ? ('
') : '', //涓讳綋 '
' + (conType && config.type != 2 ? '' : titleHTML) + '
' + (config.type == 0 && config.icon !== -1 ? '' : '') + (config.type == 1 && conType ? '' : (config.content||'')) + '
' + ''+ function(){ var closebtn = ismax && config.title ? '' : ''; // ThinkGem 蹇呴』鏈夋爣棰樼殑娓呯┖涓嬫墠鑳芥渶灏忓寲 config.closeBtn && (closebtn += ''); return closebtn; }() + '' + (config.btn ? function(){ var button = ''; typeof config.btn === 'string' && (config.btn = [config.btn]); for(var i = 0, len = config.btn.length; i < len; i++){ button += ''+ config.btn[i] +'' } return '
'+ button +'
' }() : '') + (config.resize ? '' : '') + '
' ], titleHTML, $('
')); return that; }; //鍒涘缓楠ㄦ灦 Class.pt.creat = function(){ var that = this ,config = that.config ,times = that.index, nodeIndex ,content = config.content ,conType = typeof content === 'object' ,body = $('body'); if(config.id && $('#'+config.id)[0]) return; if(typeof config.area === 'string'){ config.area = config.area === 'auto' ? ['', ''] : [config.area, '']; } //anim鍏煎鏃х増shift if(config.shift){ config.anim = config.shift; } if(layer.ie == 6){ config.fixed = false; } switch(config.type){ case 0: //config.btn = ('btn' in config) ? config.btn : ready.btn[0]; config.btn = ('btn' in config) ? config.btn : layer.i18n.btnOk;// ThinkGem layer.closeAll('dialog'); break; case 2: var content = config.content = conType ? config.content : [config.content||'', 'auto']; //config.content = ''; // 2017-5-13 ThinkGem 鏀寔post鏂瑰紡鎻愪氦iframe config.content = '
'; break; case 3: delete config.title; delete config.closeBtn; config.icon === -1 && (config.icon === 0); layer.closeAll('loading'); break; case 4: conType || (config.content = [config.content, 'body']); config.follow = config.content[1]; config.content = config.content[0] + ''; delete config.title; config.tips = typeof config.tips === 'object' ? config.tips : [config.tips, true]; config.tipsMore || layer.closeAll('tips'); break; } //寤虹珛瀹瑰櫒 that.vessel(conType, function(html, titleHTML, moveElem){ body.append(html[0]); conType ? function(){ (config.type == 2 || config.type == 4) ? function(){ $('body').append(html[1]); }() : function(){ if(!content.parents('.'+doms[0])[0]){ content.data('display', content.css('display')).show().addClass('layui-layer-wrap').wrap(html[1]); $('#'+ doms[0] + times).find('.'+doms[5]).before(titleHTML); } }(); }() : body.append(html[1]); $('#'+ doms.MOVE)[0] || body.append(ready.moveElem = moveElem); that.layero = $('#'+ doms[0] + times); that.shadeo = $('#'+ doms.SHADE + times); config.scrollbar || doms.html.css('overflow', 'hidden').attr('layer-full', times); }).auto(times); //閬僵 that.shadeo.css({ 'background-color': config.shade[1] || '#000' ,'opacity': config.shade[0] || config.shade }); //config.type == 2 && layer.ie == 6 && that.layero.find('iframe').attr('src', content[0]); // ThinkGem 涓嶉渶瑕乮e6 // 2017-5-13 ThinkGem 鏀寔post鏂瑰紡鎻愪氦iframe if (config.type == 2){ if (config.method == 'GET' || config.method == 'get'){ var iframeSrc = content[0] || '', formData = config.contentFormData; for(var key in formData || {}){ iframeSrc += iframeSrc.indexOf('?') == -1 ? '?' : '&'; iframeSrc += key + '=' + formData[key]; } that.layero.find('#' + doms[4] + times).attr('src', iframeSrc); }else{ var form = that.layero.find('#' + doms[4] + '-form' + times), formData = config.contentFormData; for(var key in formData || {}){ form.append(''); } form.submit(); } } //鍧愭爣鑷€傚簲娴忚鍣ㄧ獥鍙e昂瀵 config.type == 4 ? that.tips() : function(){ that.offset() //棣栨寮瑰嚭鏃讹紝鑻 css 灏氭湭鍔犺浇锛屽垯绛夊緟 css 鍔犺浇瀹屾瘯鍚庯紝閲嶆柊璁惧畾灏哄 parseInt(ready.getStyle(document.getElementById(doms.MOVE), 'z-index')) || function(){ that.layero.css('visibility', 'hidden'); layer.ready(function(){ that.offset(); that.layero.css('visibility', 'visible'); }); }(); }(); //濡傛灉鏄浐瀹氬畾浣 if(config.fixed){ win.on('resize', function(){ that.offset(); (/^\d+%$/.test(config.area[0]) || /^\d+%$/.test(config.area[1])) && that.auto(times); config.type == 4 && that.tips(); }); } config.time <= 0 || setTimeout(function(){ layer.close(that.index); }, config.time); that.move().callback(); //涓哄吋瀹筳Query3.0鐨刢ss鍔ㄧ敾褰卞搷鍏冪礌灏哄璁$畻 if(doms.anim[config.anim]){ var animClass = 'layer-anim '+ doms.anim[config.anim]; that.layero.addClass(animClass).one('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function(){ $(this).removeClass(animClass); }); }; //璁板綍鍏抽棴鍔ㄧ敾 if(config.isOutAnim){ that.layero.data('isOutAnim', true); } }; //鑷€傚簲 Class.pt.auto = function(index){ var that = this, config = that.config, layero = $('#'+ doms[0] + index); if(config.area[0] === '' && config.maxWidth > 0){ //涓轰簡淇IE7涓嬩竴涓浜洪毦浠ョ悊瑙g殑bug if(layer.ie && layer.ie < 8 && config.btn){ layero.width(layero.innerWidth()); } layero.outerWidth() > config.maxWidth && layero.width(config.maxWidth); } var area = [layero.innerWidth(), layero.innerHeight()] ,titHeight = layero.find(doms[1]).outerHeight() || 0 ,btnHeight = layero.find('.'+doms[6]).outerHeight() || 0 ,setHeight = function(elem){ elem = layero.find(elem); elem.height(area[1] - titHeight - btnHeight - 2*(parseFloat(elem.css('padding-top'))|0)); }; switch(config.type){ case 2: setHeight('iframe'); break; default: if(config.area[1] === ''){ if(config.maxHeight > 0 && layero.outerHeight() > config.maxHeight){ area[1] = config.maxHeight; setHeight('.'+doms[5]); } else if(config.fixed && area[1] >= win.height()){ area[1] = win.height(); setHeight('.'+doms[5]); } } else { setHeight('.'+doms[5]); } break; }; return that; }; //璁$畻鍧愭爣 Class.pt.offset = function(){ var that = this, config = that.config, layero = that.layero; var area = [layero.outerWidth(), layero.outerHeight()]; var type = typeof config.offset === 'object'; that.offsetTop = (win.height() - area[1])/2; that.offsetLeft = (win.width() - area[0])/2; if(type){ that.offsetTop = config.offset[0]; that.offsetLeft = config.offset[1]||that.offsetLeft; } else if(config.offset !== 'auto'){ if(config.offset === 't'){ //涓 that.offsetTop = 0; } else if(config.offset === 'r'){ //鍙 that.offsetLeft = win.width() - area[0]; } else if(config.offset === 'b'){ //涓 that.offsetTop = win.height() - area[1]; } else if(config.offset === 'l'){ //宸 that.offsetLeft = 0; } else if(config.offset === 'lt'){ //宸︿笂瑙 that.offsetTop = 0; that.offsetLeft = 0; } else if(config.offset === 'lb'){ //宸︿笅瑙 that.offsetTop = win.height() - area[1]; that.offsetLeft = 0; } else if(config.offset === 'rt'){ //鍙充笂瑙 that.offsetTop = 0; that.offsetLeft = win.width() - area[0]; } else if(config.offset === 'rb'){ //鍙充笅瑙 that.offsetTop = win.height() - area[1]; that.offsetLeft = win.width() - area[0]; } else { that.offsetTop = config.offset; } } if(!config.fixed){ that.offsetTop = /%$/.test(that.offsetTop) ? win.height()*parseFloat(that.offsetTop)/100 : parseFloat(that.offsetTop); that.offsetLeft = /%$/.test(that.offsetLeft) ? win.width()*parseFloat(that.offsetLeft)/100 : parseFloat(that.offsetLeft); that.offsetTop += win.scrollTop(); that.offsetLeft += win.scrollLeft(); } if(layero.attr('minLeft')){ that.offsetTop = win.height() - (layero.find(doms[1]).outerHeight() || 0); that.offsetLeft = layero.css('left'); } that.offsetTop = that.offsetTop > 0 ? that.offsetTop : 0; // 2017-5-8 ThinkGem Top鍊间笉灏忎簬0 layero.css({top: that.offsetTop, left: that.offsetLeft}); }; //Tips Class.pt.tips = function(){ var that = this, config = that.config, layero = that.layero; var layArea = [layero.outerWidth(), layero.outerHeight()], follow = $(config.follow); if(!follow[0]) follow = $('body'); var goal = { width: follow.outerWidth(), height: follow.outerHeight(), top: follow.offset().top, left: follow.offset().left }, tipsG = layero.find('.layui-layer-TipsG'); var guide = config.tips[0]; config.tips[1] || tipsG.remove(); goal.autoLeft = function(){ if(goal.left + layArea[0] - win.width() > 0){ goal.tipLeft = goal.left + goal.width - layArea[0]; tipsG.css({right: 12, left: 'auto'}); } else { goal.tipLeft = goal.left; }; }; //杈ㄥ埆tips鐨勬柟浣 goal.where = [function(){ //涓 goal.autoLeft(); goal.tipTop = goal.top - layArea[1] - 10; tipsG.removeClass('layui-layer-TipsB').addClass('layui-layer-TipsT').css('border-right-color', config.tips[1]); }, function(){ //鍙 goal.tipLeft = goal.left + goal.width + 10; goal.tipTop = goal.top; tipsG.removeClass('layui-layer-TipsL').addClass('layui-layer-TipsR').css('border-bottom-color', config.tips[1]); }, function(){ //涓 goal.autoLeft(); goal.tipTop = goal.top + goal.height + 10; tipsG.removeClass('layui-layer-TipsT').addClass('layui-layer-TipsB').css('border-right-color', config.tips[1]); }, function(){ //宸 goal.tipLeft = goal.left - layArea[0] - 10; goal.tipTop = goal.top; tipsG.removeClass('layui-layer-TipsR').addClass('layui-layer-TipsL').css('border-bottom-color', config.tips[1]); }]; goal.where[guide-1](); /* 8*2涓哄皬涓夎褰㈠崰鎹殑绌洪棿 */ if(guide === 1){ goal.top - (win.scrollTop() + layArea[1] + 8*2) < 0 && goal.where[2](); } else if(guide === 2){ win.width() - (goal.left + goal.width + layArea[0] + 8*2) > 0 || goal.where[3]() } else if(guide === 3){ (goal.top - win.scrollTop() + goal.height + layArea[1] + 8*2) - win.height() > 0 && goal.where[0](); } else if(guide === 4){ layArea[0] + 8*2 - goal.left > 0 && goal.where[1]() } layero.find('.'+doms[5]).css({ 'background-color': config.tips[1], 'padding-right': (config.closeBtn ? '30px' : '') }); layero.css({ left: goal.tipLeft - (config.fixed ? win.scrollLeft() : 0), top: goal.tipTop - (config.fixed ? win.scrollTop() : 0) }); } //鎷栨嫿灞 Class.pt.move = function(){ var that = this ,config = that.config ,_DOC = $(document) ,layero = that.layero ,moveElem = layero.find(config.move) ,resizeElem = layero.find('.layui-layer-resize') ,dict = {}; if(config.move){ moveElem.css('cursor', 'move'); } moveElem.on('mousedown', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(config.move){ dict.moveStart = true; dict.offset = [ e.clientX - parseFloat(layero.css('left')) ,e.clientY - parseFloat(layero.css('top')) ]; ready.moveElem.css('cursor', 'move').show(); } }); resizeElem.on('mousedown', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); dict.resizeStart = true; dict.offset = [e.clientX, e.clientY]; dict.area = [ layero.outerWidth() ,layero.outerHeight() ]; ready.moveElem.css('cursor', 'se-resize').show(); }); _DOC.on('mousemove', function(e){ //鎷栨嫿绉诲姩 if(dict.moveStart){ var X = e.clientX - dict.offset[0] ,Y = e.clientY - dict.offset[1] ,fixed = layero.css('position') === 'fixed'; e.preventDefault(); dict.stX = fixed ? 0 : win.scrollLeft(); dict.stY = fixed ? 0 : win.scrollTop(); //鎺у埗鍏冪礌涓嶈鎷栧嚭绐楀彛澶 if(!config.moveOut){ var setRig = win.width() - layero.outerWidth() + dict.stX ,setBot = win.height() - layero.outerHeight() + dict.stY; X < dict.stX && (X = dict.stX); X > setRig && (X = setRig); Y < dict.stY && (Y = dict.stY); Y > setBot && (Y = setBot); } layero.css({ left: X ,top: Y }); } //Resize if(config.resize && dict.resizeStart){ var X = e.clientX - dict.offset[0] ,Y = e.clientY - dict.offset[1]; e.preventDefault(); layer.style(that.index, { width: dict.area[0] + X ,height: dict.area[1] + Y }) dict.isResize = true; config.resizing && config.resizing(layero); } }).on('mouseup', function(e){ if(dict.moveStart){ delete dict.moveStart; ready.moveElem.hide(); config.moveEnd && config.moveEnd(layero); } if(dict.resizeStart){ delete dict.resizeStart; ready.moveElem.hide(); } }); return that; }; Class.pt.callback = function(){ var that = this, layero = that.layero, config = that.config; that.openLayer(); if(config.success){ if(config.type == 2){ layero.find('iframe').on('load', function(){ config.success(layero, that.index); }); } else { config.success(layero, that.index); } } layer.ie == 6 && that.IE6(layero); //鎸夐挳 layero.find('.'+ doms[6]).children('a').on('click', function(){ var index = $(this).index(); if(index === 0){ if(config.yes){ var close = config.yes(that.index, layero); close === false || layer.close(that.index); // 2017-3-31 ThinkGem 娣诲姞杩斿洖鍊煎鏋滄槸false鍒欏叧闂獥鍙 } else if(config['btn1']){ var close = config['btn1'](that.index, layero); close === false || layer.close(that.index); // 2017-3-31 ThinkGem 娣诲姞杩斿洖鍊煎鏋滄槸false鍒欏叧闂獥鍙 } else { layer.close(that.index); } } else { var close = config['btn'+(index+1)] && config['btn'+(index+1)](that.index, layero); close === false || layer.close(that.index); } }); //鍙栨秷 function cancel(){ var close = config.cancel && config.cancel(that.index, layero); close === false || layer.close(that.index); } //鍙充笂瑙掑叧闂洖璋 layero.find('.'+ doms[7]).on('click', cancel); //鐐归伄缃╁叧闂 if(config.shadeClose || config.shadeClose == undefined){ that.shadeo.on('click', function(){ layer.close(that.index); }); } //鏈€灏忓寲 layero.find('.layui-layer-min').on('click', function(){ var min = config.min && config.min(layero, that.index); min === false || layer.min(that.index, config); }); //鍏ㄥ睆/杩樺師 layero.find('.layui-layer-max').on('click', function(){ if($(this).hasClass('layui-layer-maxmin')){ layer.restore(that.index); config.restore && config.restore(layero, that.index); } else { layer.full(that.index, config); setTimeout(function(){ config.full && config.full(layero, that.index); }, 100); } }); config.end && (ready.end[that.index] = config.end); }; //for ie6 鎭㈠select ready.reselect = function(){ $.each($('select'), function(index , value){ var sthis = $(this); if(!sthis.parents('.'+doms[0])[0]){ (sthis.attr('layer') == 1 && $('.'+doms[0]).length < 1) && sthis.removeAttr('layer').show(); } sthis = null; }); }; Class.pt.IE6 = function(layero){ //闅愯棌select $('select').each(function(index , value){ var sthis = $(this); if(!sthis.parents('.'+doms[0])[0]){ sthis.css('display') === 'none' || sthis.attr({'layer' : '1'}).hide(); } sthis = null; }); }; //闇€渚濊禆鍘熷瀷鐨勫澶栨柟娉 Class.pt.openLayer = function(){ var that = this; //缃《褰撳墠绐楀彛 layer.zIndex = that.config.zIndex; layer.setTop = function(layero){ var setZindex = function(){ layer.zIndex++; layero.css('z-index', layer.zIndex + 1); }; layer.zIndex = parseInt(layero[0].style.zIndex); layero.on('mousedown', setZindex); return layer.zIndex; }; }; //璁板綍瀹介珮鍧愭爣锛岀敤浜庤繕鍘 ready.record = function(layero){ var area = [ layero.width(), layero.height(), layero.position().top, layero.position().left + parseFloat(layero.css('margin-left')) ]; layero.find('.layui-layer-max').addClass('layui-layer-maxmin'); layero.attr({area: area}); }; ready.rescollbar = function(index){ if(doms.html.attr('layer-full') == index){ if(doms.html[0].style.removeProperty){ doms.html[0].style.removeProperty('overflow'); } else { doms.html[0].style.removeAttribute('overflow'); } doms.html.removeAttr('layer-full'); } }; /** 鍐呯疆鎴愬憳 */ window.layer = layer; //鑾峰彇褰撳墠瀵硅瘽妗嗘墍鍦ㄧ獥鍙g殑jQuery瀵硅薄鍜學indow瀵硅薄 ThinkGem layer.$ = layer.jQuery = jQuery; layer.window = window; //鑾峰彇瀛恑frame鐨凞OM layer.getChildFrame = function(selector, index){ index = index || $('.'+doms[4]).attr('times'); return $('#'+ doms[0] + index).find('iframe').contents().find(selector); }; //寰楀埌褰撳墠iframe灞傜殑绱㈠紩锛屽瓙iframe鏃朵娇鐢 layer.getFrameIndex = function(name){ return $('#'+ name).parents('.'+doms[4]).attr('times'); }; //iframe灞傝嚜閫傚簲瀹介珮锛坉iffVal宸€艰寖鍥村唴锛岃繘琛岃嚜閫傚簲楂樺害锛 layer.iframeAuto = function(index, diffVal, $this){ if(!index) return; var iframe = document.getElementById(doms[4] + index); if (iframe) { var iframeWin = iframe.contentWindow || iframe.contentDocument.parentWindow; if (iframeWin.document.body) { var layero = $('#'+ doms[0] + index); var titHeight = layero.find(doms[1]).outerHeight() || 0; var btnHeight = layero.find('.'+doms[6]).outerHeight() || 0; // var heg = layer.getChildFrame('html', index).outerHeight(); var heg = iframeWin.document.body.scrollHeight; var layerHeight = heg + titHeight + btnHeight; var layerTop = ($(window).height() - layerHeight) / 2; if (layerTop > 0){ var $iframe = layero.find('iframe'); if (Math.abs($iframe.height() - heg) < (diffVal || 9000)){ layero.animate({height: layerHeight, top: layerTop}, 20); $iframe.animate({height: heg}, 20); } } } } }; //閲嶇疆iframe url layer.iframeSrc = function(index, url){ $('#'+ doms[0] + index).find('iframe').attr('src', url); }; //杩斿洖褰撳墠layer鐨刬frame瀵硅薄鐨剋indow瀵硅薄 ThinkGem layer.iframeWindow = function(index){ var ifr = $('#'+ doms[0] + index).find('iframe'); if (ifr.length > 0){ return ifr[0].contentWindow; } // 鍙栦笉鍒癷frame杩斿洖null return null; }; //璁惧畾灞傜殑鏍峰紡 layer.style = function(index, options, limit){ var layero = $('#'+ doms[0] + index) ,contElem = layero.find('.layui-layer-content') ,type = layero.attr('type') ,titHeight = layero.find(doms[1]).outerHeight() || 0 ,btnHeight = layero.find('.'+doms[6]).outerHeight() || 0 ,minLeft = layero.attr('minLeft'); if(type === ready.type[3] || type === ready.type[4]){ return; } if(!limit){ if(parseFloat(options.width) <= 260){ options.width = 260; }; if(parseFloat(options.height) - titHeight - btnHeight <= 64){ options.height = 64 + titHeight + btnHeight; }; } layero.css(options); //btnHeight = layero.find('.'+doms[6]).outerHeight(); btnHeight = layero.find('.'+doms[6]).outerHeight() || 0; // ThinkGem 鍏煎 jQuery 3.5 if(type === ready.type[2]){ layero.find('iframe').css({ height: parseFloat(options.height) - titHeight - btnHeight }); } else { contElem.css({ height: parseFloat(options.height) - titHeight - btnHeight - parseFloat(contElem.css('padding-top')) - parseFloat(contElem.css('padding-bottom')) }) } }; //鏈€灏忓寲 layer.min = function(index, options){ options = options || {}; var layero = $('#'+ doms[0] + index) ,shadeo = $('#'+ doms.SHADE + index) ,titHeight = layero.find(doms[1]).outerHeight() || 0 ,left = layero.attr('minLeft') || (181*ready.minIndex)+'px' ,position = layero.css('position') ,settings = { width: 180 ,height: titHeight ,position: 'fixed' ,overflow: 'hidden' }; //璁板綍瀹介珮鍧愭爣锛岀敤浜庤繕鍘 ready.record(layero); if(ready.minLeft[0]){ left = ready.minLeft[0]; ready.minLeft.shift(); } //鏄惁鍫嗗彔鍦ㄥ乏涓嬭 if(options.minStack){ settings.left = left; settings.top = win.height() - titHeight; layero.attr('minLeft') || ready.minIndex++; //鍒濇鎵ц锛屾渶灏忓寲鎿嶄綔绱㈠紩鑷 layero.attr('minLeft', left); } layero.attr('position', position); layer.style(index, settings, true); layero.find('.layui-layer-min').hide(); layero.attr('type') === 'page' && layero.find(doms[4]).hide(); ready.rescollbar(index); //闅愯棌閬僵 shadeo.hide(); }; //杩樺師 layer.restore = function(index){ var layero = $('#'+ doms[0] + index) ,shadeo = $('#'+ doms.SHADE + index) ,area = layero.attr('area').split(',') ,type = layero.attr('type'); //鎭㈠鍘熸潵灏哄 layer.style(index, { width: parseFloat(area[0]), height: parseFloat(area[1]), top: parseFloat(area[2]), left: parseFloat(area[3]), position: layero.attr('position'), overflow: 'visible' }, true); layero.find('.layui-layer-max').removeClass('layui-layer-maxmin'); layero.find('.layui-layer-min').show(); layero.attr('type') === 'page' && layero.find(doms[4]).show(); ready.rescollbar(index); //鎭㈠閬僵 shadeo.show(); }; //鍏ㄥ睆 layer.full = function(index){ var layero = $('#'+ doms[0] + index), timer; ready.record(layero); if(!doms.html.attr('layer-full')){ doms.html.css('overflow','hidden').attr('layer-full', index); } clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function(){ var isfix = layero.css('position') === 'fixed'; layer.style(index, { top: isfix ? 0 : win.scrollTop(), left: isfix ? 0 : win.scrollLeft(), width: win.width(), height: win.height() }, true); layero.find('.layui-layer-min').hide(); }, 100); }; //鏀瑰彉title layer.title = function(name, index){ var title = $('#'+ doms[0] + (index||layer.index)).find(doms[1]); title.html(name); }; //鍏抽棴layer鎬绘柟娉 layer.close = function(index, callback){ var layero = $('#'+ doms[0] + index), type = layero.attr('type'), closeAnim = 'layer-anim-close'; if(!layero[0]) return; var WRAP = 'layui-layer-wrap', remove = function(){ if(type === ready.type[1] && layero.attr('conType') === 'object'){ layero.children(':not(.'+ doms[5] +')').remove(); var wrap = layero.find('.'+WRAP); for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++){ wrap.unwrap(); } wrap.css('display', wrap.data('display')).removeClass(WRAP); } else { //浣庣増鏈琁E 鍥炴敹 iframe if(type === ready.type[2]){ try { var iframe = $('#'+doms[4]+index)[0]; iframe.contentWindow.document.write(''); iframe.contentWindow.close(); layero.find('.'+doms[5])[0].removeChild(iframe); } catch(e){} } layero[0].innerHTML = ''; layero.remove(); } typeof ready.end[index] === 'function' && ready.end[index](); delete ready.end[index]; typeof callback === 'function' && callback(); }; if(layero.data('isOutAnim')){ layero.addClass('layer-anim '+ closeAnim); } $('#layui-layer-moves, #'+ doms.SHADE + index).remove(); layer.ie == 6 && ready.reselect(); ready.rescollbar(index); if(layero.attr('minLeft')){ ready.minIndex--; ready.minLeft.push(layero.attr('minLeft')); } if((layer.ie && layer.ie < 10) || !layero.data('isOutAnim')){ remove() } else { setTimeout(function(){ remove(); }, 200); } }; //鍏抽棴鎵€鏈夊眰 layer.closeAll = function(type, callback){ if(typeof type === 'function'){ callback = type; type = null; }; var domsElem = $('.'+doms[0]); $.each(domsElem, function(_index){ var othis = $(this); var is = type ? (othis.attr('type') === type) : 1; is && layer.close(othis.attr('times'), _index === domsElem.length - 1 ? callback : null); is = null; }); if(domsElem.length === 0) typeof callback === 'function' && callback(); }; /** 鎷撳睍妯″潡锛宭ayui 寮€濮嬪悎骞跺湪涓€璧 */ var cache = layer.cache||{}, skin = function(type){ return (cache.skin ? (' ' + cache.skin + ' ' + cache.skin + '-'+type) : ''); }; //浠跨郴缁焢rompt layer.prompt = function(options, yes){ var style = ''; options = options || {}; if(typeof options === 'function') yes = options; if(options.area){ var area = options.area; style = 'style="width: '+ area[0] +'; height: '+ area[1] + ';"'; delete options.area; } var prompt, content = options.formType == 2 ? '' : function(){ return ''; }(); var success = options.success; delete options.success; return layer.open($.extend({ type: 1 ,btn: [layer.i18n.btnOk,layer.i18n.btnCancel] ,content: content ,skin: 'layui-layer-prompt' + skin('prompt') ,maxWidth: win.width() ,success: function(layero){ prompt = layero.find('.layui-layer-input'); prompt.val(options.value || '').focus(); typeof success === 'function' && success(layero); } ,resize: false ,yes: function(index){ var value = prompt.val(); if(value === ''){ prompt.focus(); } else if(value.length > (options.maxlength||500)) { layer.tips(layer.i18n.promptTipA + (options.maxlength || 500) + layer.i18n.promptTipB, prompt, {tips: 1}); } else { yes && yes(value, index, prompt); } } }, options)); }; //tab灞 layer.tab = function(options){ options = options || {}; var tab = options.tab || {} ,THIS = 'layui-this' ,success = options.success; delete options.success; return layer.open($.extend({ type: 1, skin: 'layui-layer-tab' + skin('tab'), resize: false, title: function(){ var len = tab.length, ii = 1, str = ''; if(len > 0){ str = ''+ tab[0].title +''; for(; ii < len; ii++){ str += ''+ tab[ii].title +''; } } return str; }(), content: '', success: function(layero){ var btn = layero.find('.layui-layer-title').children(); var main = layero.find('.layui-layer-tabmain').children(); btn.on('mousedown', function(e){ e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : e.cancelBubble = true; var othis = $(this), index = othis.index(); othis.addClass(THIS).siblings().removeClass(THIS); main.eq(index).show().siblings().hide(); typeof options.change === 'function' && options.change(index); }); typeof success === 'function' && success(layero); } }, options)); }; //鐩稿唽灞 layer.photos = function(options, loop, key){ var dict = {}; options = options || {}; if(!options.photos) return; //鑻 photos 骞堕潪閫夋嫨鍣ㄦ垨 jQuery 瀵硅薄锛屽垯涓烘櫘閫 object var isObject = !(typeof options.photos === 'string' || options.photos instanceof $) ,photos = isObject ? options.photos : {} ,data = photos.data || [] ,start = photos.start || 0; dict.imgIndex = (start|0) + 1; options.img = options.img || 'img'; var success = options.success; delete options.success; //濡傛灉 options.photos 涓嶆槸涓€涓璞 if(!isObject){ //椤甸潰鐩存帴鑾峰彇 var parent = $(options.photos), pushData = function(){ data = []; parent.find(options.img).each(function(index){ var othis = $(this); othis.attr('layer-index', index); data.push({ alt: othis.attr('alt'), pid: othis.attr('layer-pid'), src: othis.attr('layer-src') || othis.attr('src'), thumb: othis.attr('src') }); }); }; pushData(); if (data.length === 0) return; loop || parent.on('click', options.img, function(){ pushData(); var othis = $(this), index = othis.attr('layer-index'); layer.photos($.extend(options, { photos: { start: index, data: data, tab: options.tab }, full: options.full }), true); }); //涓嶇洿鎺ュ脊鍑 if(!loop) return; } else if (data.length === 0){ return layer.msg(layer.i18n.noPicture); } //涓婁竴寮 dict.imgprev = function(key){ dict.imgIndex--; if(dict.imgIndex < 1){ dict.imgIndex = data.length; } dict.tabimg(key); }; //涓嬩竴寮 dict.imgnext = function(key,errorMsg){ dict.imgIndex++; if(dict.imgIndex > data.length){ dict.imgIndex = 1; if (errorMsg) {return}; } dict.tabimg(key) }; //鏂瑰悜閿 dict.keyup = function(event){ if(!dict.end){ var code = event.keyCode; event.preventDefault(); if(code === 37){ dict.imgprev(true); } else if(code === 39) { dict.imgnext(true); } else if(code === 27) { layer.close(dict.index); } } } //鍒囨崲 dict.tabimg = function(key){ if(data.length <= 1) return; photos.start = dict.imgIndex - 1; layer.close(dict.index); return layer.photos(options, true, key); setTimeout(function(){ layer.photos(options, true, key); }, 200); } //涓€浜涘姩浣 dict.event = function(){ /* dict.bigimg.hover(function(){ dict.imgsee.show(); }, function(){ dict.imgsee.hide(); }); */ dict.bigimg.find('.layui-layer-imgprev').on('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); dict.imgprev(true); }); dict.bigimg.find('.layui-layer-imgnext').on('click', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); dict.imgnext(true); }); $(document).on('keyup', dict.keyup); }; //鍥剧墖棰勫姞杞 function loadImage(url, callback, error) { var img = new Image(); img.src = url; if(img.complete){ return callback(img); } img.onload = function(){ img.onload = null; callback(img); }; img.onerror = function(e){ img.onerror = null; error(e); }; }; dict.loadi = layer.load(1, { shade: 'shade' in options ? false : 0.9, scrollbar: false }); loadImage(data[start].src, function(img){ layer.close(dict.loadi); //鍒囨崲鍥剧墖鏃朵笉鍑虹幇鍔ㄧ敾 if(key) options.anim = -1; //寮瑰嚭鍥剧墖灞 dict.index = layer.open($.extend({ type: 1, id: 'layui-layer-photos', area: function(){ var imgarea = [img.width, img.height]; var winarea = [$(window).width() - 100, $(window).height() - 100]; //濡傛灉 瀹為檯鍥剧墖鐨勫鎴栬€呴珮姣 灞忓箷澶э紙閭d箞杩涜缂╂斁锛 if(!options.full && (imgarea[0]>winarea[0]||imgarea[1]>winarea[1])){ var wh = [imgarea[0]/winarea[0],imgarea[1]/winarea[1]];//鍙栧搴︾缉鏀炬瘮渚嬨€侀珮搴︾缉鏀炬瘮渚 if(wh[0] > wh[1]){//鍙栫缉鏀炬瘮渚嬫渶澶х殑杩涜缂╂斁 imgarea[0] = imgarea[0]/wh[0]; imgarea[1] = imgarea[1]/wh[0]; } else if(wh[0] < wh[1]){ imgarea[0] = imgarea[0]/wh[1]; imgarea[1] = imgarea[1]/wh[1]; } } return [imgarea[0]+'px', imgarea[1]+'px']; }(), title: false, shade: 0.9, shadeClose: true, closeBtn: false, move: '.layui-layer-phimg img', moveType: 1, scrollbar: false, moveOut: true, anim: 5, isOutAnim: false, skin: 'layui-layer-photos' + skin('photos'), content: '
' +''+ (data[start].alt||'') +'' +function(){ if(data.length > 1){ return '
' +'' +'
'+ (data[start].alt || '') +''+ dict.imgIndex +' / '+ data.length +'
' +'
' } return ''; }() +'
', success: function(layero, index){ dict.bigimg = layero.find('.layui-layer-phimg'); dict.imgsee = layero.find('.layui-layer-imgbar'); dict.event(layero); options.tab && options.tab(data[start], layero); typeof success === 'function' && success(layero); }, end: function(){ dict.end = true; $(document).off('keyup', dict.keyup); } }, options)); }, function(){ layer.close(dict.loadi); layer.msg(layer.i18n.photoError, { time: 30000, btn: [layer.i18n.photoNextPage, layer.i18n.photoClose], yes: function(){ data.length > 1 && dict.imgnext(true,true); } }); }); }; //涓诲叆鍙 ready.run = function(_$){ $ = _$; win = $(window); doms.html = $('html'); layer.open = function(deliver){ var o = new Class(deliver); return o.index; }; }; //鍔犺浇鏂瑰紡 window.layui && layui.define ? ( layer.ready() ,layui.define('jquery', function(exports){ //layui 鍔犺浇 layer.path = layui.cache.dir; ready.run(layui.$); //鏆撮湶妯″潡 window.layer = layer; exports('layer', layer); }) ) : ( (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) ? define(['jquery'], function(){ //requirejs 鍔犺浇 ready.run(window.jQuery); return layer; }) : function(){ //鏅€ script 鏍囩鍔犺浇 layer.ready(); ready.run(window.jQuery); }() ); }(window);